Meeting Minutes April 29, 2024

Board meeting minutes April 29, 2024

Meeting called to order at 3:00 pm by Jorge Pereira, V.P. elect and Communications Director, on behalf of Joye Melby, President.

Additional Board members present: Mike Gebhardt, Treasurer, Cappy Santini, Program Director, Marylee Marks, Secretary.

Jorge informed the membership about the Trilogy community’s strong support of Joye. Many of her family members have arrived to be with her. The League will have a flower arrangement sent to Joye in hopes of expressing our support for her during this difficult time.

Discussion: Total membership vs volunteers.   Jorge acknowledged the contribution of current Boad members, announced the current membership to be 136 artists and discussed the need for more members to get involved shaping the future of the League.  New leaders bring new ideas and keep the League growing.

Discussion: Search for Board position candidates.   Cathy Hoben along with Genevieve and Jill, called many potential candidates to discuss leadership roles. Their efforts proved successful when Doug Hemler agreed to take the President Elect position. All current Board members’ terms have been completed. Those remaining in place for another term need to be re-elected. The membership will receive an electronic ballet shortly. The results will be posted to the website.

Discussion: Treasurer report and use of funds.   Mike reported a bank balance of $6,889.00.   This was followed by a discussion of the need to make improvements in the studio. There are issues with the lighting, the acoustics, replacing the stationary sink faucets with flexible faucets, a latch-type lock on the side gate providing easier access to the side door of the Artisans Studio, and the replacement of several of the studio easels. An additional suggestion was made to consider a philanthropic donation to local community organizations. The members present felt the treasury funds should be used for art-related purposes that benefit the League. Treasurer Mike Gebhardt suggested a yearly philanthropic donation of 5% only. These issues will be considered by the Board before allocation of funds.

Discussion: Programing Director report: Cappy reported on the final scheduled class as well as open studio time available to artists during the summer months. As the studio is a multiuse room, other clubs, as well as the Lifestyle team post their monthly studio reservations on a general calendar. That calendar has been printed, framed and is available in the studio. This is updated monthly.    Discussion: Welcoming Committee:

 Even though new members receive a welcome email after joining the League, Jorge feels strongly that new members should be personally welcomed. It was suggested the new member be greeted at the Studio. The goal is to give them information about the League and answer their questions. Mike Gebhardt and Joann Heutmaker volunteered to welcome new members.

Discussion: Art Walk post-event survey results:   Art Walk post-event survey results were reported. Jorge spoke of changes suggested by the respondents. A discussion ensued regarding the possibility of returning the event to the Kiva club, (no longer an option for multiple reasons), and changing from a two-day event to a one-day event. After discussion, it was decided to send an additional targeted survey to members for feedback on the one-day vs two-day issue.  Additional comments included:

** Establishing a dedicated sum of money to be used to market the Art Walk and expand awareness of the “brand”.

 **Giving maps out during Coffee Talk and having the physical maps available sooner.

**Attaching a barcode link to the League website as part of the MTL Art Walk announcement.

Discussion: Use of website by members:   Jorge discussed the minimal use of the website at this time, reporting that routine monitoring showed few members are using the site. Members were encouraged to use the website to stay in touch with other members, post photos of new work, ask questions about art related interests, and stay up to date with League activities. Jorge stressed members use email for League communications as texts are not an option.

Discussion: Cathy Hoben displayed an original painting by artist Rich Kenny, dedicated to the members of the Art League. The painting is matted and in a protective sleeve. A suggestion to frame the work was voted on and passed. After framing, the painting will be on display in the studio.

After calling for additional business and having none offered, Jorge adjourned the meeting at 4:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marylee Marks, Secretary

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  1. when is the November artwork. There is a large event at Grand that also is in November.Thanks Joanne

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