Meeting Minutes April 29, 2024

Board meeting minutes April 29, 2024 Meeting called to order at 3:00 pm by Jorge Pereira, V.P. elect and Communications Director, on behalf of Joye Melby, President. Additional Board members present: Mike Gebhardt, Treasurer, Cappy Santini, Program Director, Marylee Marks, Secretary. Jorge informed the membership about the Trilogy community’s strong support of Joye. Many of…

Board Meeting Minutes April 8, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 2:45 pm by Joye Melby, President. Other Board members present were Mike Gebhardt, Treasurer, Jorge Pereira, Communications Director, Marylee Marks, President-elect and acting Secretary, and Cappy Santini, Program Director. Old Business: Additional Board seat: Motion made and seconded to give the Program Chair a voting position on the…

Board Meeting minutes March 30, 2023

March 30, 2023 Meeting was called to order @ 2:40 pm by League President, Joye Melby. Additional Board members in attendance were Vice President Carole Hubiak, Secretary Marylee Marks, Art Walk Co-chairs, Shan Koenig, and Jorge Pereira, Communications Director. Discussion Topics: Nominations and length of terms: The positions of Vice President and Art Walk Co-chair…