Board Meeting minutes March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
Meeting was called to order @ 2:40 pm by League President, Joye Melby. Additional Board members in attendance were Vice President Carole Hubiak, Secretary Marylee Marks, Art Walk Co-chairs, Shan Koenig, and Jorge Pereira, Communications Director.
Discussion Topics:
Nominations and length of terms: The positions of Vice President and Art Walk Co-chair remain open. Carole, current V.P., is stepping down but will remain available to the next V.P. as he/she transitions into the new role. As of this writing, no volunteers have agreed to assume these responsibilities. Calls to potential candidates will continue. Joye suggested a change of term length for President and Vice President to serving one year each. By offering a shorter commitment to potential leaders, more members may offer to serve. Also discussed was maintaining the 2-term commitment per Board position, but no longer expecting the Vice President to automatically assume the President’s place. The V.P. would be a single position obligation with the option to accept the next role. These changes will continue to be considered at future Board meetings. The V.P. job description was reviewed. As this time, he/she will continue to assume the President’s responsibilities in the President’s absence, appoint and liaison with the League program committee, co-ordinate class information with the Kiva Club Lifestyle team for their annual activity calendar and Jorge, League Communications Director, for the League activity calendar.
Art Walk: The dates for the November Art Walk are Saturday the 18th & Sunday the 19th. Hours remain at 9am-3pm daily. It will take place in the Mita Club Artisans Studio, the adjacent breezeway, and artist’s homes. As stated, the Art walk Co-chair position remains open and calls to potential candidates continue. At this time, 3 League members have expressed an interest in “helping out” and will be contacted for more discussion. Assistance is needed answering basic email questions from participants with a variety of minor issues, helping with promotional outreach, assisting with set-up @ the Mita Club, organizing placing and removing the directional road signs, proofing the map, and other items as they arise. Shan reported fewer than expected participants were interested in hosting 1 or 2 guest artists as well as fewer artists looking to be included at another studio. It was suggested that prior to the November show registration period, potential host and guest artists get together at the Mita Club. This would be a very informal way to meet each other, share art forms and perhaps find more participants comfortable showing together.
Pop Up Demos: Due to the success of recently offered pop-up demos, Joye proposed 2 scheduled sessions per month. Options for April are being discussed. These demos will be offered through the following Fall-Spring term, being posted on the classes/events calendar. Studio availability will be explored for possible dates. One member has offered a January 2024 pop-up demo. She estimates $86.00 for necessary supplies for members to participate with her. The subject interest will be explored prior to authorizing funds. Members will be asked to suggest topics as well as offer to lead a demo of their art form.
Docent Presentations: Joye recently attended a lecture on using recycled materials to create art. It was presented by a docent representing the Phoenix Art Museum. These multi topic programs are available to groups and clubs in the area. There is a nominal fee of $45.00 per session. A motion was made, a vote taken and passed to schedule 2 docent presentations per League calendar year. Topics and dates TBA.
After calling for further topics of discussion, Joye adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Marylee Marks, Secretary.