Board Meeting Minutes April 8, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 2:45 pm by Joye Melby, President. Other Board members present were Mike Gebhardt, Treasurer, Jorge Pereira, Communications Director, Marylee Marks, President-elect and acting Secretary, and Cappy Santini, Program Director.

Old Business:

Additional Board seat: Motion made and seconded to give the Program Chair a voting position on the Board. The change will be reflected in the by-laws and submitted to the Lifestyle team and HOA for approval.

Nominating Committee Report: To date, there were no League members willing to consider taking a leadership position. It was discussed that members may feel intimidated by and reluctance to accept a leadership position due to misunderstanding of what the job actually entails.  Board members will submit to Joye a description of position requirements which will then be posted to the league website for the members to consider. The positions of President, President-elect and Secretary will be open to membership vote by April 24th this year, with new Officers announced in May.

Art Walk post event survey: Jorge’s analysis of responses showed many participants wishing to return the Art Walk to a one-day event.  This has been a trend for several shows due to a marked decrease in traffic and sales on Sunday mornings. Other responses considered the artist’s sales, traffic, the usefulness of the map and directory, as well promotions within and outside the Trilogy communities. Several expressed a desire to return to Kiva as well as continue to use the Mita Club for the shows. It was suggested artists might choose to add additional contact information when writing the descriptions of the art they will be offering during the show. This may serve as a point of contact with perspective buyers later in the year.  A survey will be sent to the participants with a chance to respond to the idea of reducing the event to a one-day event.

Discussion: Guidelines for acceptable work shown at Art Walks. This concern stems from reports regarding some artists offering items obviously not a “one-of-a-kind” item hand made by the artists. It is felt that there must be guidelines for artists to use when starting with a purchased base piece, or selling purchased items, such inexpensive jewelry, along with the artist’s other items. It was suggested sending guidelines of what is acceptable work to offer in the November show and announce the start of a juried event in the Spring 2025. It was suggested that artists registering for the Art Walk sign a contract stating they will be showing only the artist’s own work during the event. It is hoped these measures will serve to maintain the caliber of the work to the highest standards possible and build the brand.

After calling for any additional/new business and finding done offered, Joye adjourned the meeting at 4:25pm.

Respectfully submitted.

Marylee Marks, Acting Secretary

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