Members Directory – Why am I not there?

A couple of people have ask why they do not appear in the Members Directory.

In order to appear in the Members Directory, YOU (the member) must fill the Directory Entry and enter some basic information and select the kind of art you do.

To do this, please go the the Members page and select EDIT / MODIFY your Directory Entry

You will be presented with a form for you to fill out:

Not all information is required but importantto list are:

  • Your First Name , Lastname
  • Your Photo
  • Do you want you info Private or Public: (Private no one sees it other than yourself. Public means if it available to other members
  • Your Art Category (Medium)
  • Your Biography

More Details instructions were published back in 2022UNDER:
Tutorial: First Member Login – The Artisans League

Please contact us if you need help using our
Contact US page

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