Members Update – November 7
Hello TAL Artisans!
Hope you are all having a GREAT beginning of the season!
(If you are anything like us – it has been non-stop catching up! – good to see friends again)
Thank you to all that have attended the classes, workshops and pop-ups!
They have been well attended, and valuable to the members!
Mark your calendars! Events and activities coming up:
- November 18 & 19 – Fall Art Walk
- This is a big one for the community!! ( 55 Artisans participating!
- Map and participant list has been published on our site at:
- *Please let your friends know about it so they block
- December 6 (Wednesday) 3:30p -5p,: ARTISAN LEAGUE HOLIDAY MIX AND MINGLE at the Mita Artisans Studio!
- December 9 (Saturday): Monthly Craft Workshop Pour Painting Rocks and Canvas
As Joye mentioned in the general meeting, we have enabled a members-only Community Talk Forum on our site! You are able to post anything you think will benefit the community! — Although it is new, I see a list of festivals, announcements, art walk participants, and much more already there! Feel free to post announcement, ideas, interesting thing for the community!
Finally, a reminder to all to please update your profile with a picture, and a little info about your medium! Please let us know if you want to be featured on the site as FEATURED ARTIST!
As always, for more information on any of these and more please, check out our website: