Board members present:
President Joye Melby
Vice President Carole Hubiak
Treasurer Mike Gebhardt
Secretary Marylee Marks
Communications Director Jorge Pereira
Committee Chairs present:
Membership Chair Joan Hubbard
Art Walk Co-Chairs Shan Koenig and Jorge Pereira
Social Events Chair Betty Scharfman
Call To Order: by Joye at 2:05 pm. There were 32 members present.
Board and Committee members were introduced at that time.
Minutes of last Board and Membership meetings:
As most members had not read these documents, copies were distributed. After artists had the opportunity to read the minutes, they were approved into record.
Treasurer Report:
Treasurer duties have been successfully transferred from outgoing Treasurer Denise Wysocki to interim Treasurer Mike Gebhardt. Mike reported a balance of $4,278.00. He stated there is a new email connected to the PayPal account for activity oversight. After January 1, 2023, he and Joye will be creating new bank and PayPal accounts reflecting the club’s new name. He requested if club expenditures were deemed necessary, he wished to be informed prior to the purchase. Mike reviewed the Board’s recent decision to require new members to pay a $20.00 fee to join, then a $10.00 annual renewal fee.
Old Business:
Joye reported the purchase of 3 easels.
New Business:
Name tags were suggested for league members. Most attending members were in favor. By vote, attendees agreed to spend $20.00 or less for their tag. The projected cost is $15.00. Name tags will be purchased on behalf of artists using their membership dues to cover costs.
Carole reported the disappointing response to efforts obtaining outside instructors, arranging classes, then canceling them due to little or no interest from league members. She offered only scheduling “in-house” instructors as these classes are well received. Carole emphasized the need for members to learn and use the new website to find classes of interest and sign up in a timely manner. She discussed her efforts to advertise the classes via MTL, placing copies of class schedules at the Mita Studio and creating promotional blogs on the public area of the website. Artists were encouraged to create their own blogs and use MTL to promote classes by directing Trilogy community members to the new website.
Art Walk:
Shan and Jorge reported there are 64 participants.
Promotions: The show will be promoted in November’s Mountain View Magazine with a cover photo. A business card size ad was purchased for $100.00. It will be published in the same November issue targeted at other surrounding communities. The Vistancia Community leaders will use an email blast to promote the Art Walk to their homeowners.
The sales office has agreed to lend their large “sandwich board” event signs. These will be covered with Art Walk Event posters and placed at the street entrances of Trilogy Blvd and Upcountry Way for the duration of the show.
Coffee Talk & Happy Hours: Artists will have small flyers to offer attendees promoting the Art Walk. It was suggested a group of volunteers arrange to have an Artisans League presence at most Coffee Talks as this is often the first social event new homeowners attend.
Continuing Needs: Shan reported an email detailing multiple tasks requiring volunteer coverage will be sent to participants.
Maps: The map/directory will be available by November 1st. Visitor copies will be offered at both membership club desks beginning November 7th. Jorge requested all artists check/edit the address where they will be participating prior to the printing deadline.
The projected promotional costs for each participating artist are $15.00.
All Art Walk participants are encouraged to use their Social Medial skills and community connections to promote the show.
Design Center: LaDonna Adair reported she and several other League members attended the Design center’s open house on Friday October 14th. The group had the impression the space available for renovation would be perfect for the expanding interests of the League.
November 16th the Artisans League’s focus group will present their plan to transition from the Mita Artisan Studio to a portion of the Design Center. The object of this move is to allow the creation of a large 3-D studio suitable for glass making, pottery, ceramics and wood working along with a smaller 2-D studio available for painting, paper art, jewelry making, etc. All membership meetings and classes will take place in these areas. The group will present the league needs, a mockup of these areas, as well as projected renovation costs.
Adjournment: After a call for additional business, Joye adjourned the meeting at 3:10pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marylee Marks, Secretary