Note from the Club President August 2024

[ Email sent on 8/8/2024 ]

Hello Fellow Artisans League members!

I hope you are all doing well and have been able stayed cool during the really crazy last couple of summer 2024 months.

Even though summers are generally slow here at the Trilogy Vistancia site, things continue to move forward. A few updates on our club happening

  • Art continues to be created at the Open Studio time on Mondays and Wednesdays — Great to see some of our dedicated artists using the Studio during the summer months. ( if you are near Mita stop by and say hi to them!)
  • Our club volunteers, specifically the programing committee, have been doing a FANTASTIC job at preparing the activities ahead of the new season… Hope you read the update blog post detailing some of the plans ahead: Fall 2024 Classes…Exciting Events On The Horizon – The Artisans League
  • Club calendar will be updated as soon as it is all approved by the Hospitality Team.
  • Fall ArtWalk is set for November 9 & 10, 2024 — The BIG news this time around is that the shared space will be at the Kiva Club Ballroom (and not at the Mita Club). We will have more spaces for participating artists inside (cold and windy in November) and be able to go back to “the past” as some of you have requested. (See dates details and participation guidelines on the Art Walks page on our site.
  • Super-thrilled that the Trilogy Living at Vistancia Magazine is showcasing our artists! -( If you remember we sent email back in early June and randomly selected artists 5 artists to be profiled in their magazine. I have updated the blog post with pictures of the article page. Check it out at: Artists Showcase – Selection Results – VERY cool!
  • Check out the New Featured Artist on our website: Mary Britten (great job filling her profile!)
    Do you want to be the next Featured artist? How to info here

Looking forward to the Fall season and seeing you all soon at a class, pop-up, mix-and-mingle or event outing.


Jorge Pereira ( DoodlingJorge )
President – The Artisans League at Trilogy Vistancia

As always, please check our website for news and activities…

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  1. How many artist spaces will be available at the Kiva Club on the Saturday and Sunday of the Art Walk?

    1. We will be communicating details to everyone in early September –
      please stay tuned ! 🙂

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