Membership Meeting Minutes 10/28/24

Meeting called to order at 3:03pm by President Jorge Pereira. Members were welcomed. Board members Cappy Santini, Programming Director, Doug Hemler, Vice President, Joye Melby, past President, Marylee Marks, Secretary were introduced.

Membership and Website:    Jorge announced the current League membership stands at 162. He invited several new members to introduce themselves and describe their current art forms. He then discussed the need for volunteers to create an organized group to reach out to new members and suggested interested parties contact Board members.  Jorge reviewed the League website stressing the importance of using the site as it is the main form of communication and reviewed many benefits of visiting the site. He briefly described the community chat room, blogging, class and event calendar, etc.

 Board Meeting Notes:    Jorge spoke briefly about the Board meeting held on Oct. 18th. He again discussed using the website for communication. He stated chartered clubs have new operating guidelines and discussed the expectation that clubs with treasury funds are not allowed to carry balances from year to year. Members were informed that after establishing an operating budget, opportunities for dispersal of remaining resources will be considered. A list of potential recipients will be sent to members with a request for a vote on two or three preferred. The Board will then distribute the funds. The subject of using treasury funds to sponsor the art walk was discussed. Jorge explained that artists making money using the Art Walk format are responsible for funding the production expenses themselves. League funds will not be used for that purpose.

Treasury:    Mike Gebhardt is stepping down from treasury position to be replaced by Marie Britten. He will review the finances and requirements with her for the transition of responsibilities. The current balance is $7805.00. Costs incurred promoting the Art Walk have yet to be reimbursed from this total.

November Art Walk:    Experience has shown social media is the only effective promotion for the show. Show participants are encouraged to use all personal social media and contacts to promote the event, Lynda Zimmer reviewed the local publications advertising the event. Jorge described the map and directory as designed for this event. Sixty-three members are participating.

Personal Artists Promotion Opportunities:    Jorge described the “Trilogy Life” magazine half page promotion for artists wishing to offer a short bio and information describing their art form, as well as photos of the work.  The League website also has a section dedicated to an individual artist focusing on the same highlights. He stressed this unique opportunity to have one’s work promoted within the community.

Programming:    Cappy reported on workshops and classes scheduled for the next few months offering additional information on subjects and instructors. She also discussed the Mix & Mingle events and the possibility of organizing group outings to art shows and museums.  She encouraged members to use the website to find and register for classes and post ideas for future instruction.

Open Forum:    Doug Hemler, Vice president, discussed the question of the type of club we are.  For example, are we focusing on marketing, art education, or community service. He suggested we be greater advocates for the arts in Trilogy while continuing to work with the Lifestyle team. Jorge reviewed the League’s mission statement and encouraged members to apply those principles to advocate for the League and our influence in our community. Several artists suggested the League have a presence within the Lifestyle committee and were assured the Board interacts as much as it deems appropriate.

After calling for additional business and having nothing offered, Jorge adjourned the meeting adjourned at 4:05pm.

Respectfully submitted, Marylee Marks, Secretary

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