David Flitner: Painting Better Landscapes


Artist: David Flitner, Oil Painter  

Instructor Bio: David Flitner, Oil Painter – The Artisans League

Title:  Painting Better Landscapes  

Course Description:

Starting with a great landscape photo or inspiration, an artist needs a plan of action to translate their vision into paint and on to canvas. The best way to do that is by building from the general to the more specific, beginning with the design and placement of lines and shapes, and then good decision-making for how to use the scene’s colors and values (tints, tones, and shades) to tell its story.  Lighting, depth, mood, and atmosphere will be explored.  David will discuss and demonstrate the use of these strategies to help you create a successful plan of action for your future landscape paintings.  Helpful visual supports and personal  instruction are included.  David demonstrates in oils, but the art concepts presented apply to acrylics, as well.  Students should have some painting experience in their medium and a working knowledge of their materials.  (www.davidflitner.com )

Level:  Intermediate (painting experience & working knowledge of materials) and Advanced

*NOTE: David will be painting in oil paints. Students should have painting experience in their medium and working knowledge of their materials. Oil or acrylic paints are fine, see supply list below.

2-day class on a Friday/Saturday –October 20-21 2023

Time of Class:  9:00am to 4:00pm, daily   (Artist needs room for set-up:  8am-5pm daily)

Number of students: Minimum: 5 Maximum:  10

Cost of Class:  $180 per student for the 2-day class instruction only.   Students bring their own supplies, painting materials, and photos.

To Register: Send an email to: david@davidflitner.com.  Registration due by 10/18/2023. Please include this information:
  • First and last names
  • email
  • Local address
  • Telephone number
  • Medium (Oil or acrylic)
  • Please mention “Trilogy Class”

Methods of payment accepted:  Cash, Check, Credit card (accepted via Square), to be paid on the first day of class.

Supply List:  

Suggested Supply List (oil painting):

Each student brings his/her own paints, supplies, and a selection of *PHOTOS* to work from.

  • Paints – You can bring what you usually paint with, but David’s palette will include the following basic oil paint colors (based on warm/cool and bright/dull characteristics):
    • 2 Reds – One Light Red PLUS Alizarin Crimson
    • 2 Blues – Ultramarine Blue PLUS Cerulean Blue Hue
    • 2 Yellows –Yellow Light PLUS Yellow Deep
    • 2 Greens – Sap Green PLUS any Blue-Green
    • Violet – any Violet
    • Orange – Cadmium Orange
    • 4 Earth Tones – Naples Yellow, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Yellow Ochre
    • White
    • Black


  • Bring a selection of landscape PHOTOS to work from … (just a friendly reminder…)
  • Brushes – Nylon or Bristle, your preference. Sizes: #’s 2, 4, 6, and 8
  • Pencil or Pen
  • Palette knife
  • Palette – Disposable paper or glass (larger size is best for a good paint mixing area)
  • Easel (if not provided by the facility for your use)
  • Canvas Boards – Two 11×14 boards for practice
  • Canvas – Medium sizes work best (such as 11 x 14, 12 x 16, or 14 x 18)
  • Color Wheel
  • Paint box – Small plastic or wooden box with tray or separate carrier for brushes
  • Painting Medium – Turpenoid
  • Brush Wash Jar with Turpenoid
  • Paper towels
  • Plastic bag for trash

Bio: See author’s bio page here

Photos of work: