Creating Paintings That Glow with Becky Joy

Dates: March 8th and 9th, 2025

Time: 9:00 to 4:00

Becky Joy


All skill levels are welcome.

Cost: $130.00 Cash, check or Venmo accepted.

Please register by March 1, 2025 which is 1 week before the class starts.

Register by text (602-910-1897), or email (

Making your paintings glow: using color, values and design.

Becky: “I do a brief demo to show my process. Then continuously go from student to student helping each individually. We will work from photos and in part imagination to manipulate the elements to a glowing painting. I will bring photos, but you can also use your own. All skill levels are welcome. My goal is always to identify each students strengths and weaknesses. Because we all progress at different rates and in different areas. I like to impart to each individual what they can do to improve their paintings in general. At the end of each session we will conduct a group critique”.

Becky works in oil and will accept Oil, acrylic, watercolor, and pastels.

Number of students: 5 to 10

Supplies; A variety of flat and filbert brushes from #6-#10. A palette knife for mixing. Four small canvases (8×10 or 11×14).

Paint colors I use: Titanium white, cad yellow light or lemon yellow, cad red light,  cad orange, alizarin crimson, dioxazine purple, manganese blue, ultramarine blue, sap green. The purple and green are convenience colors but not necessary. We can mix them. My palette is a basic warm/cool. I use Manganese blue rather than cerulean because it is a cleaner color. I use Gambling Colors.

Palette, container for odorless solvent, paper towels. (I like blue shop towels).

Please register by March 1, 2025 which is 1 week before the class starts.

Register by text (602-910-1897), or email (

Bio:Becky has been a member of several national art groups: American Women Artists, Women Artists of the West, Oil Painters Of America, American Impressionist Society (as well as an officer). She has juried into national shows for all those organizations as well as others. Becky participated for several years in Plein Air events, and 17 years in the “Celebration of Art, Scottsdale”. She has taught workshops across the U.S., Mexico and Europe.

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