Beginning Painting
Have you always wanted to try painting but just couldn’t take that final step to challenge yourself? Now is the time to try it! Artist/instructor Joye Melby has had many years’ experience working with beginning painters and loves to help adults experiment and learn how to begin to paint.
You will learn many of the different paint strokes, how to begin to mix and use color – and most important -you will paint! You will complete two paintings (possibly a third) in our 12 hours together. The beginning class is teacher-directed to help you learn quickly.
Materials for the first class will be provided. You will receive a materials list for the class at that time.
Questions? Contact Joye at: jemelby12@gmail.com. You can also register for the class by sending your name and email to Joye’s email address.
Cost: $100/ 4 sessions/12 hours
Dates: Tuesdays, February 6, 13, 20, 27
BIO Page: Instructor: Joye Melby
Students may choose to work with Oil, Acrylic or Water Soluble oil paints