Board Meeting Minutes 12/13/24

Board Meeting Minutes 12/13/2024

Called to order at 4:10pm by President Jorge Pereria. Other members present were Doug Helmer, Vice President, Cappy Santini, Programming Director, Marie Britten, Treasurer, Marylee Marks, Secretary, Joye Melby, Past President advisor.

Topics discussed:

Treasurer report:   Marie reports she and Jorge visited the bank with the outgoing Treasurer, Mike Gebhardt to arrange the transfer access to funds from Mike to Marie and Jorge. Jorge reviewed types of expenditures Marie can expect to see including cost of supplies, replacement equipment, name tags, etc.

Programming report:     Cappy reviewed classes and events for the last of December and January. Both months are heavily scheduled with a large variety of instructional opportunities. She stated the December Holiday Meet & Greet was successful with many new members attending. Jorge expressed appreciation for these events and the benefit of doing more. Cappy noted that many non-member students were taking classes, and we need a way to manage the fees these students pay. It is suggested that non-member students pay an additional $5.00 surcharge to participate.

Art Walk event:     Trish King will assume the role of Co-Chair working with Jorge to manage future events. The date for the Spring Art Walk weekend is March 29th & 30th. Jorge gave a brief review of an issue noted during the November show. An artist was discovered selling work created by a commercial artist along with that TAL member’s own work. This is a clear violation of the rules for participation and the Board response was discussed. It was decided to send this artist an email reviewing the rules regarding reselling other artist’s work and the penalty for doing so in the future.   Cappy suggested a designation and separation of fine art and crafts displays during the Art Walks. She described items noted for sale during the last show and felt they were below the caliber of work the Art League is striving to offer our visitors. Discussion followed to discern what constituted a craft, acceptable items offered as “original art”, fine art styles and the public’s interest in purchasing various offerings. Further discussion of this topic will continue at the next Board meeting on 1/17/25.

Member Recognition:    V.P. Doug Hemler received Honorable Mention at the “Winter Lights” art show in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This is an important recognition, and Jorge will post the news as a blog on the TAL website. All artists are encouraged to inform the Board about accolades received for website posting. Doug also encouraged a Plein air event sponsored by TAL as a fun event for members and local artists to paint at settings around the Trilogy community.

 Operating Budget:    Jorge created a draft of a yearly operating budget with much discussion of anticipated expenses. Items include the cost of new memberships, renewal of an existing membership, website maintenance, art supplies, equipment repair/replacement, fees for member education and philanthropic donations, among others. The donation recipients will be determined by email ballot to the membership with beneficiaries offered for voting on most preferred. A three-year plan will be proposed and submitted to the HOA as required by community bylaws.  Further discussion of budget line-item inclusions to be discussed at the January 17th Board meeting.

After calling for additional business and having none offered, Jorge adjourned the meeting at 5:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marylee Marks, Secretary

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