Board Meeting Minutes – 1/17/2025
January 17,2025
The meeting was called to order at 4:40 pm by President Jorge Pereria. Also in attendance were Marie Britten, Treasurer, Marylee Marks, Secretary, Cappy Santini, Programming Director, Joye Melby, Past President Advisor.
New Business: Last Board meeting minutes were approved as written.
Treasury: Marie is now able to access both the Bank and PayPal accounts. After an audit of past normal operating expenses and profit from the Art Walk, Marie projected a budget for this year. Her report to the HOA will include the new budget showing both fixed and fluctuating expenses. Philanthropic donations, a possible road trip to Tubac, visits to Phoenix Art Museum and a 2-year cash reserve are included as expected expenses for 2025. The mat cutter, work lamps, the projector and numerous sandwich board frames for Art Walk advertising will be submitted as assets. After much discussion, the board voted to accept the budget as proposed.
Programming: Cappy reviewed upcoming classes and events. She addressed the continuing issue of few members volunteering. To interest more people, Cappy suggests asking members to take on smaller, specific roles rather than manage a larger project. The goal is to involve more members and without overwhelming any one person. Tasks will be determined, and signup sheets will be available at the February Mix & Mingle. An email will be sent prior to the social informing the members that signup sheets will be available for their consideration.
The problem of non-members taking classes continues. The Board suggests teachers ascertain which students are not Artisans League members and charge them an additional $10.00 per class. The additional cost should be noted in the instructor’s description of the class and fee structure. The goal is to motivate more residents to join the League and enjoy the benefits.
Art Walk: The Call to Artists will be sent the first week of February. There was much discussion regarding the use of Mita and Kiva clubs for these events. Jorge discussed his chats with Gregg Snyder regarding the use of Kiva and feels the quoted price to reserve the space for a weekend event is beyond reason. The Spring show will be held in private homes and the Mita club. It was proposed members not participating in the Art Show volunteer to assist the artists set up, help with meals, bathroom breaks, and other issues. An email will be sent to the general membership asking for people to volunteer a few hours either day.
The issue of passing out small flyers at Happy Hours prior to the show date will be revisited. The feedback from the Happy Hour participants was very positive. Jorge will include the barcode taking the user to the website and show information.
Website: Due to the large number of members continuing to struggle with logging in, it is proposed the individual passcodes be eliminated. The members will be given a website specific password created at the discretion of the President. This will allow them access to the private, more sensitive areas of the site. This member-only password will change yearly or as necessary. The change in website access was approved for a trial period by all Board members.
After calling for additional business and none being offered, Jorge adjourned the meeting at 5:40pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marylee Marks, Secretary