2022 Fall ArtWalk In 11 days
Only 11 days to the Fall 2022 event!! I am sure you are all super busy preparing for it!
Did you see the cover and article on the Mountain View by Estrella Publishing for Vistancia and Trilogy residents yet?
See it online at:
Mountain View by Estrella Publishing – Issuu
Pretty cool!
We have updated the website to include the list and MAP of the participating artists.
Anyone can see it / access at: https://theartisansleague.com/ArtWalk
In my conversations, I still find people that do know now about the event (Maybe they live under a rock).
This is a good time to let everyone know about the Art Walk on November 12 & 13.
Although folks will be promoting the art walk at the happy hours, Friday talks, and others, it is always a good idea to personalize the message with your own. A couple of idea good practices ideas:
- Let your friends, neighbors know you are participating.
- Place a bulleting on MyTrilogyLife (MTL) that you will be participating, and provide a paragraph – and perhaps a picture -on what will be available.
- Place a post about your medium and participation on your social media: Facebook / Instagram /
- Place a post about your medium and participation
- Trilogy at Vistancia Resources Facebook page
- Vistancia Facebook page
- NextDoor
- Instagram – you can use the tag: #trilogyatvistancia
Please let us know if you have any questions, or comments!
Jorge and Shan
Co-Chairs for the Fall 2022 Art Walk